Well, I just wanted to encourage all the moms/pre-moms out there to READ THIS BOOK if you haven't yet. It is a great encourager and I loved every minute of it. It made me feel the power I have as a mom, that I am not JUST a mom or homemaker but I am a shaper of life. Give it a shot. It is only a little over 100 pages so it is a quick empowering read! Tell me what you think!
looks like a good book... i need to make time to read more! maybe i'll pick it up one of these days.
I think I totally need to read that. I need a good boost!
I've read that and totally agree with Amelia. I have a copy for anyone who wants to read it...my mother-in-law gave it to me for mother's day last year. You're all welcome to it.
i stumbled across this blog... i haven't read the book, but the author, Jane Clayson Johnson, is the wife of a bishopric member here in Boston- small world. i will have to read that book someday.
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